The Sleep Game

The world's first game you play in your sleep





Project Type

Original Concept


Creative Technologist


During my time as a Creative Technologist at BBDO Singapore, I came up with the idea of making the world's first game you play in your sleep.


The objective was to visualize sleep engagement for users, motivating them to track and improve their sleep quality. This project was developed for AIA, one of the world's largest insurance companies, as part of their campaign to promote sleep as a component of their health insurance plans.

The Idea

I conceptualized the world's first game to be played during sleep, designed to detect sleep data through a wearable device. The game adapted to users' sleep patterns, creating a unique gaming experience. Players woke up to assess their sleep quality and game performance.


The Mechanics

The Sleep Game app provides tips and tricks throughout the day to enhance sleep quality. At bedtime, users initiated the game and placed their phones near them as instructed. The app recorded sleep data using the wearable device.

Upon waking up, the game halted, allowing users to review their sleep quality and game performance. The game tailored its gameplay to the users' sleep data, offering additional tips and tricks for improved sleep quality.

Users could also share their sleep data with friends to compare sleep quality and gaming performance.

The game play after a good night of sleep
The game play after a bad night of sleep

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